Yara Damian

Bachelor of Fine Arts. Speciality Painting. Complutense University of Madrid. Spain - 2002

Painting Scholarships
- Grant in residence. Mondariz Wellness Foundation. Pontevedra. Spain - 2002
- Grant in residence. Rodríguez- Acosta Foundation. Granada. Spain - 2001
- Grant in residence. Stª María Albarracín Foundation. Teruel. Spain - 2000
- Grant in residence. "Escorial Summer School". Gral. Foundation of the Complutense University  of Madrid. Spain - 2000

-  1 st Place. XVIII Enrique Lite National Painting Award. University of La Laguna. Tenerife. Spain - 2014
- 2nd Place Expressionism-Figure Category. American Art Awards. U.S.A. - 2014
- Honor Mention. Argamasilla de Alba Scholars. Ciudad Real. Spain - 2002

Interview in Artists & Illustrators Magazine. June 2015

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