Kim Bramley
Born 1967. Kim trained in Fashion & Textile Design at St Martin’s School of Art, London and then worked internationally as a freelance fashion/ textile designer, setting up her own business in 1992. Initially she worked with textiles and handmade paper.
Since 1999, she has retrained in new techniques in kiln-formed glass and worked for 13 years with this process in her studio on the remote Isle of Skye, North West Scotland. Currently Kim works from her recently established ‘Heart of England’ studio in the former Stable Block of Sandon Hall in Staffordshire.
In 2005 Kim was commissioned to create the ‘Scottish Arts & Business 2005 Awards’ Pieces. At the end of 2005, Kim had the opportunity to do a residency in Borlange Glas Verkstad, a glass Co-operative studio in Sweden.
In recent years Kim has also worked on various architectural commissions in fused glass alongside her Gallery exhibition work
“The colours, textures and light of the Skye island landscape breathe their way into my work as I coax each piece into balance. Sometimes a piece just rushes together: sometimes the journey I take has many phases. There is a moment, which arises, when I know the balance in a piece has passed from silence into expression”.