David Flower
David Flower has been a professional glassmaker for 24 years, and his work is deeply informed by landscapes and nature's meticulously evolved colour palette. He is greatly influenced by the four seasons we enjoy, yet he is simultaneously dismayed by the drastic changes they have undergone in his lifetime — changes that can only be described as catastrophic. Recently, David's work has pivoted towards capturing precious landscapes before they vanish. His series of works like ‘Amazon,’ ‘Mohave,’ and ‘Alpine Waterfall’ are explorations of some of Earth’s vanishing marvels. Yet, amidst the evolving themes, ‘Hydrangea’ remains his touchstone series. Conceived during a contemplative walk through a local Suffolk Park, it stands as a steadfast symbol in a swiftly changing world.
David also undertakes commissions from clients ranging from lighting to sculpture. He enjoys collaborating with clients where his creativity can be extended through dialogue and discussion.
Please contact the gallery if you are interested in a potential commission.